
About animaldisasters.com

Animaldisasters.com is a network of experts working together since 1996 to integrate the care of animals into mainstream emergency management. Experts working with animaldisasters.com have been instrumental in developing a national conscience of the need to integrate the care of animals in disasters and what to do about it. Some of these accomplishments include:

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  • Lead the development of three Independent Study Courses for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
  • Developed credentialing standards for FEMA Animal Emergency Response personnel positions.
  • Integrating the care of animals into emergency preparedness and response capacity in over 30 U.S. State Emergency Management Agencies;
  • Fund raising to support grants that led to mutual aid agreements amongst 14 States for credentialing and exchange of animal emergency response personnel in disasters.
  • Consulting with industry on the benefits of integrating the care of animals into existing operations and animal disease control programs.
  • Developed a two-day hands on course for the care of Urban Search and Rescue dogs.
  • Strategic consultation on the successful eradication of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) from the Western Hemispheric.

Recommended Reading

This book provides comprehensive information on all aspects of animal care in disasters; an in depth understanding of natural and technological hazards; and practical information on specific procedures to keep animals and owners safe. 

This book provides In depth discussions of the role of animal owners, emergency managers, volunteers, liability and business continuity during natural and technological hazards. Practical information to engage communities in mitigating adverse impacts of disasters on animals and their owners.

Are you an expert on one or more of the hazards and want to share your knowledge with the animaldisasters.com community? Submit your recommendations here.